Moral of the Story Intro
“I’m just gonna do what nobody else is doing: launch a podcast.”
It’s all about the story
What’s the best story you’ve ever heard? Think about it for a second. Yep, there it is. Oh yeah, that one. It’s the one you can always rely on to get people’s attention. The one with the best punch line. Your go-to when your audience is primed and ready. And you’ve probably retold it countless times, because the effect is the same every time. You’ve got the timing down to a science and your listeners are putty in your hands.
You see, stories are what bring us together. They engage, they entertain, they compel action. Good stories move us and they’re unforgettable.
We all love a good story. And even more, we love to be able to tell a good story.
That is where I come in. Well, not exactly me personally, but I digress.
My name is Max Chopovsky, and I am a story addict. I’ve told video stories for brands like Sterling Bay and of amazing humans like my late grandfather, I love me a good wedding rap, and plenty of other stories which are, alas, destined to stay in the private collection.
But... I have a lot to learn so I wanted to learn from the best. And what better way than to do that than do the one thing nobody else is doing? Let me just launch a podcast. A podcast that would focus on great short stories told by really interesting people. Because if you’re successful, you’ve had to become a good storyteller, whether you’re selling yourself in an interview, raising capital, negotiating a deal, or just getting your daily hustle on.
And I could have left it at that. But I wanted to take it a step further, to have each guest break their story down. What makes it so good? Is it the story arc? The characters? The humor? Have they tweaked it over time to make it better?
The Moral of the Story isn’t just entertainment, although if you really want to tune out after the story, that’s all you, my friend. It’s also a way to learn how to become a better storyteller by learning from those who’ve mastered the skill.
Wouldn’t that be nice? Telling a story that leaves your audience doubled over in laughter, or in tears, or in awe, rather than with their eyes glazed over, trying to find a break in the action so they can go get a drink or make that suddenly urgent phone call?
Well, I think it would be nice. So. I’m gonna do this thing. And I hope you join me on the journey. Maybe we’ll learn something together. And maybe… we’ll just hear some crazy stories. I’m good with either.
So let’s rock and roll. I’m Max Chopovsky, and this… is Moral of the Story.
PS. Why the hell would I dress up as a teenage mutant ninja turtle? Because, Japan. Remind me to tell you the story.